Thursday, December 23, 2010

The difference a year makes.

Well... Since I've given up on maintaining my LiveJournal, there will be a smattering of daily anecdotes here from now on. I have declared it, and so it shall be.

Even though I've spent my share of time complaining about it in principle, I must say the past month or so hasn't felt very...holidayish to me. And while talking with my coworkers last night, I realized why. At my last job, "holiday cheer" was everywhere. Because...well, we sold it. It was a sea of shiny and sparkly and reindeer and Santa and angels get the point. The ridiculously cheery holiday tunes were turned up to 11, and everyone was yapping about their plans or the presents they were buying or what they were cooking. So for ten years, I walked into a freakin' Winter Wonderland every day. I had no choice but to admit that it was, in fact, the holidays. And even before that, I worked at a mall. And we all know how malls are, with their putting up decorations in October and such.

But this year, the new workplace has chosen a very benign holiday decor. And by that I mean no holiday decor at all. Not a garland or a wreath or a string of lights anywhere. Because that's just how we roll, I guess. (I saw an unrelated bunch of balloons in passing the other day, tucked in a side office, and did a double-take. It seemed entirely too festive to be there. In fact, I'm still not sure why it was.) We have, unfortunately, been forced to listen to the most depressing array of holiday music to ever exist, but we usually keep it so low it's barely audible. No one really talks about their holiday plans. I've heard the occasional bit about family, or a particular gift they were getting their significant other. But it's not the main topic of conversation. There's no store holiday party, no Secret Santa gift exchange, no symbolic bowl of "happy holidays and here's your chocolatey, non-denominational present" candy in the break room. It's business as usual.

And y'know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.

I also don't miss what holiday shopping does to the consumer. Yes, I still work in a retail setting. But there's a massive difference between the two markets. Massive. I used to have to listen to long stories about how, "Aunt So-And-So likes piney scents, so I'm getting her this candle, and Gramma needs a new serving platter for the Christmas turkey, do you think this will work?... I saw this ornament in the mailer. Do you have it? Well, can you call another store that does? What do you mean I can't use this coupon?! That is absolutely ridiculous! Can you wrap faster? I'm in a hurry." Have I had a few people who just want to chat, or who are ornery and irritable? Sure. But that happens no matter the time of year. Generally I find the holiday shoppers to be more understanding, patient, and adaptable at my current place of employment, which is a bit ironic, considering I think were serve a wider demographic.

But the point is... For someone that's more than a bit Scroogey and cynical and generally displeased with the holiday season, it's nice not to have it slapping me in the face when I'm just trying to earn my paycheck. It's pleasant indeed to be left to brood in peace.

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