Friday, August 13, 2010

Changes afoot.

Hey. Hi. How are we? Great.

Just a brief interlude, serving to explain what came before, what's happening now, and what will transpire in the future.


Anything posted before today was imported from my old Posterous account. A lot of it, while insightful, is really rather...morose. Quite frankly, it's whiny and emo and makes me sound like someone with whom no emotionally-balanced person would want to spend time. Nonetheless, I still find them well-written and there are some nuggets of wit and wisdom I wanted to preserve. So I brought a select number over to my blog's most recent incarnation.


Things are, at long last, changing in my life. Some by choice, some by force. Some I like, some I don't. I'm starting a new job in a week or so and grad school next spring. Good things. I'm facing all those scary new things pretty much alone. Bad thing. But I'm on the brink of something, one way or the other. Hence the need for a reboot.


In the grand scheme, it's hard to say. My main goal here is to be as present and into what's happening. And to analyze it, because it just wouldn't be like me not to do so. While doing that, I want to expose my writing to as many people as possible. I want to be funny and engaging and candid and all of those adjectives that describe writers whose stuff people want to read. Like most humans, I just want to be heard. And it'd be nice if someone was actually listening.

Welcome to the show, folks.

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