Sunday, October 3, 2010

We knew all the answers and we shouted them like anthems...

So should we talk about how this project is failing? No. No we shouldn't.

I've been immersed in training for my new job, which isn't really all that new at this point. When I haven't been there, I've attempted to spend time with the few friends I have left in the area. One more week and then perhaps I'll be back to some semblance of normalcy.

I'll say one thing for this training experience, though: I've met some really amazing people. I don't love being trapped in a classroom all day, but it's made much easier when everyone around you is awesome. Okay, almost everyone. It can't all be sunshine and rainbows, now, can it?

I want to to talk about something that's partially related to that, though.

I always refer to myself as being "open-minded." Because, perhaps through some grand delusion, I think I am. I'm not easily shocked, so if we're talking about something strange or peculiar that others may find surprising... No, I've probably heard of it. Most of the time I've actually seen it, know someone who does it, or have been curious enough to look into it myself. I'm informed, because I seek knowledge. I always want to know the hows and whys of everything. Everything. Even if it's not something I'm not interested in doing/being/whatever. The idea that other people in this world choose to remain ignorant makes me genuinely upset, and y'know... I do pity them a little.

And therein lies the problem. Wouldn't a truly open-minded, tolerant person, without such derision, acknowledge their right to remain ignorant? "Live and let live"? I could make a compelling argument that I'm sincerely concerned for the direction of the world and that's why I have such a hard time accepting willful ignorance. But does that really fly? Or do I look like some kind of...reverse bigot?

I realized this the other day. A conversation in mixed company turned to politics, and someone I'd previously thought was on the same page with me (the persons involved have absolutely no chance of reading this, so no one panic, okay?) made a single statement that really, truly disappointed me. I accept differences of opinion; I like debating and I like to keep things interesting. If we all believed the same things, life would be a total yawn, wouldn't it? But this wasn't simply an opinion that differed from mine. It was a downright ignorant statement, and my face in response probably said it all. "Do people really think like this? And you... You think like this? I had no idea..."

I started to question myself. Also perhaps through delusion, I fancy myself a good judge of character. But I didn't see that one coming. Not at all. Can I not read people as well as I thought? Am I attracting all the wrong folks (again)? Wait a minute... Is this really that big a deal?

And y'know what? It is. Honestly. It's amazing how quickly a person can destroy any and all goodwill I had for them. And a good ninety-nine percent of the time, they have no idea they're doing it. I'm judgmental. I'm critical. I'm all of those things I hate. And I'm probably no better than the person on the other side that I'm adjudicating so harshly.

But at least I know it. And somehow that makes it better. Right?

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