Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Adventures in Cleanliness. (Warning: Image heavy.)

This is one of those "life anecdote" entries I said I'd be doing every now and then. You're welcome

After a particularly inspiring marathon of "Hoarders: Buried Alive" this weekend, I looked around my room and realized I wasn't all that far from being one of them. Please, come into my bedroom. (But no kinky stuff, okay?)

(Yes, that's my bra on the floor in a couple of the pictures. I do wear one. Y'know, when it's not...on the floor.)

I'm not so much a hoarder as I just don't put things away. Like, ever. This isn't an excessive amount of stuff. It's just what stuff looks like when it's not where it should go.

But what is it, you ask? (No one's asking. No one's reading this.) I spent ten years working at a home furnishings retailer. Between my employee discount and some really awesome scratch and dent deals, I've amassed a sizable collection of decor. It's all over the house. But this portion...I just never moved it. I bought it, left it in the bag, and tossed it on the floor of my bedroom. And then I'll pull things out of the closet and use them and leave them. This, my friends, is the product of laziness. Pure and simple.

I spent all day today sorting, packing, throwing away, vacuuming, inhaling unhealthy amounts of dust... And I've made progress. This is still a work in progress and there are a bunch of things I don't have a spot for yet. And there are no actual shoes in the shoe area of the closet (they're in the spare bedroom, waiting to be sorted into "want" and "don't want"). But this is where we are after 12 hours or so.

Not bad for a day's work.

(As an aside... After spending almost an hour on just the big upholstered chair because it was covered in Asia's fur, I'm second-guessing the crazy cat lady thing. Good hell, that was a chore.)

There were a couple casualties. First the I ripped the pair of pajama pants I was wearing. Then I lost my cable TV hookup. There was some MacGyver shit going on back there (seriously...the antenna cable was duct taped in), and when I moved the TV to clean behind it, the TV sorta, uh...fell on the floor. And the wiring went kaput. My mother and I tried to fix it, but no luck. And now I have no TV and I'm starting to have withdrawals. I have absolutely zero idea when I'm going to be able to get it fixed, so I might die from lack of cable.

I am, however, now being given a Damn Good Reason to go out and buy a new TV. Mine's about eight years old. I think I'm entitled. Of course, I was going to buy a new mattress once this cleaning spree was completed. Looks like I'll be out about a grand this month.

The dehydration headache and lower back pain are catching up to me now. So I suppose I should sleep. I've earned that much.


  1. Honestly it would probably be cheaper for you to buy a new one rather than fixing your old sister recently ran into that issue!

    And hey, someone is reading! haha

  2. Well, I'd still need to figure out the hookup situation regardless. But if I got a new one, I'd only have to do it once. That's how I'm going to justify it.

    Yay, people pay attention to me! haha.

  3. Good for you for cleaning up! My room is such a mess. The main problem is that my room is so tiny, I just don't have the space to store things properly, and I just let stuff pile up.
