Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bits and pieces.

Some fairly silly and some less so.

Fairly silly:

- I've gone to the dark side and am now an iPhone user. And even though I struggled with being one of the Apple Sheeple or the iHorde or whatever else you want to call iPhone devotees, I'm enjoying the device. Ugh, "device." Stupid work terminology. I love the keyboard especially, and I'm finding autocorrect to be my Bestest Friend. My only frustration is with how horribly I put on the screen protector. Damn shaky hands.

- I had a lovely bout of insomnia last week. I got maybe ten hours of sleep in three nights. Then, when I was finally able to get some real rest, I ended up sleeping through a doctor's appointment. I still feel so shitty about it that I haven't been able to call and apologize. But the whole lack of sleep thing happened right in the middle of seven straight days of work, so I took the sleep when I found it. And no, I have no idea where the insomnia came from. I have plenty on my mind, but it wasn't the whole "my brain isn't shutting off" phenomenon that I usually go through. So...bleh.

- Watching "What Not to Wear" reminds me that I really need work pants. But being short and wide makes this a difficult proposition. Make me pants? Someone?

Less so:

- My mother is back "Out There." She has a date Friday night with a guy from high school that she's recently become reacquainted with through a coworker. She recounted to me their awkward goodbye at a party over the weekend, then the "I didn't think he was interested, but apparently he is and he didn't think I was interested, but I guess I am so OMG" conversation she had with her coworker the following day. Okay, maybe I added the "OMG" part. But the sentiment was there. I've been so concerned about sounding approximately 16 with my endeavors as of late, but I guess things really don't progress far past that even when you're 61.

- I'm bitter that my mother is "Out There" when I'm supposed to be "Out There" but I'm really just kinda..."In Here." Okay, fine, I've had more dates than she has in the past ten years (five...I've had five), but she's been in more relationships in that period (a whole two), and it's really not helping that she seems to be having more fun lately than I am, which makes me feel like I should just give up. I'm just a miserable human being. I mean... That isn't to say I haven't been slightly more content over the past few weeks. But that doesn't change who I am at the core, and that person is still kind of miserable.

- I've been thinking, and it might be time to get The Monkey off my back. Y'know, The Monkey. I may write more about this in a separate entry. But I'm 28, and as I've said before...this isn't cute. My situation isn't cute. It may be time to do it just to do it and get it over with and upgrade from "never experienced" to just "inexperienced." I've had these thoughts before and I never acted, but I wasn't almost 30 then. Yeah, there's too much to cover here. But just know I'm thinking about it, people who don't read this.

All for now. I'm sure this was fascinating, heh.

1 comment:

  1. YES iPhone. that is all.

    have you tried Old Navy for pants? I have a friend who is pretty darn short (like...5 feet, maybe?) and she's not super skinny or anything, she buys petite length pants from ON's website.
